The Knit Red KAL Finale!!!



Our first Knit Red KAL has come to an end. We have been having so much fun knitting Diane Soucy's A-line Hoodie from the Knit Red book! I want to thank each and everyone of you who participated, whether you made your participation known or not. I know there are quite a few of you out there.  I enjoyed my interactions with each of you and learned a few things myself.  I have to say that you all have created some remarkably beautiful sweaters and I'm in awe of the talent, hard work, speed and persistence shown.  Kudos!!!

Some of us are still working on finishing our sweaters.  Myself included. I'm only about half way through the skirt of the sweater.  I hope to have enough time to get it done in the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime, I'm still available for questions and help anytime so please don't hesitate to contact me.

I hope you all enjoyed the videos Diane and I made to help you out.  I think I speak for Diane when I say we really enjoyed making them for you. There are still two more left to do but due to some equipment issues we won't be able to get them done for another week or possibly two.  I'll be sure to post them in the Ravelry threads and here on the blog when we have them ready for you.

In case you missed the videos here are links to them so you can watch them on our website.

How to Decide What Size Sweater to Make

How to Measure Your Gauge Correctly

How to Cast on for a Top Down Sweater

How to Create Buttonholes and Divide Sleeves for Top Down Sweater

How to Pick up Stitches for the Neckband on your Top Down Sweater

I would love to see more photos of your projects, finished or not so please keep posting them or emailing them to me the email below.

Before I share photos of some of the finished sweaters I have a couple of questions for you.  Should we do another Knit Red KAL?  If so, which project would you like to do next?

Now for the fashion show!

Tylette was able to pop into the shop while she was visiting Reno and show us her project in person!  She was the first to finish hers and she did a wonderful job!

Justfeltcreative joined us late, she didn't start until September 7th and finished September 24th! 
Gorgeous! I love this brown color.
 Grosslf just has her sleeves to go. Here is her progress photo. I love that she chose a subtly variegated yarn.

For Sara's sweater, she is still working on finding just the right button and of course they have to be as perfect as her sweater is.

 There are a couple more people who are still finishing or haven't yet given me permission to post their photos, so I think a follow up post will be in order.

Thank you again for participating!  I look forward to doing this again soon.  Be sure to let me know if you would like to participate in another Knit Red KAL and which project you would like to nominate by posting a comment below or sending me an email askTerry @ (be sure to remove the spaces before and after the @)


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  1. I'd love another KAL, I wasn't able to participate in the A-line Hoodie after all. I would like to try the Spiral Rib Cowl.

  2. Congratulations on your own creation, mapquest driving directions, my slope unblocked friend and I love this red cardigan. Really eye-catching and stylish.
