We're Bringing Back 3 Colors! Help Celebrate Our 3 Year Limited Edition Anniversary... Vote Now!

On August 1st, we'll be celebrating 3 years of Limited Edition colors by Lorna's Laces. Wow! Can you believe it's been that long? In appreciation of your support for the Limited Edition colors over the last 3 years, we're going to be permanently bringing back 3 of the past colors.... and we want your help choosing the best ones.

We took the liberty of selecting the first color, which is our unanimous favorite Twilight from January 2010, but the other 2 colors are up to you! Here's your chance to have some serious input on what colors we carry, so jump on board and don't be shy, vote for your favorite color today! Here's your chance to be one of our buyers... and we can't wait to see the final result! You'll see 11 colors listed on the poll to the right, but don't hesitate to let us know if you have a favorite that isn't on there... we can add it.


You'll see 11 colors listed on the poll to the right, but don't hesitate to let us know if you have a favorite that isn't on there... we can add it!

August 2007 - Rainforest

Golden Holidays
December 2007 - Golden Holidays

February 2008 - SWAK

Blueberry Snowcone
June 2008 - Blueberry Snowcone

Hot August Night
August 2008 - Hot August Night

Gone Fishin
September 2008 - Gone Fishin'

Amber Rose
October 2008 - Amber Rose

Boughs of Holly
December 2008 - Boughs of Holly

Simply the Blues
February 2009 - Simply the Blues

Trick or Treat
October 2009 - Trick or Treat

Peppermint Mocha
Stitches West 2010 - Peppermint Mocha

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  1. would love to see these three picked brought back in Pearl base...for those of us who can not knit with wool/alpaca etc.

  2. Great idea!! We'll definitely do that... what a terrific idea - thank you again.

  3. I agree with Jimmy that would be awesome! Jeanne

  4. Taos Thanksgiving is my favorite! I missed getting it when it was available.

  5. Sugar Plum from last Christmas. I will forever regret not getting some!

  6. I agree with you all! I just saw my African Violet recently on a stash dive and it is so pretty!

  7. The color I missed (and would see come back), I think it's called Huck's Room....please bring it back!!!

  8. please bring back Simply the Blues! I miss it

  9. We have Huck's Room in stock so you can get it! I liked it too, but am a little biased ha ha! Did you vote for Simply the Blues it's on the list...

  10. I can't decide, my top 3 would be SWAK, Blueberry Snowcone, and Peppermint Mocha.

  11. So hard to decide on just two!
    Please bring back Hot August Nights, Boughs of Holly and African Violet.

  12. Blueberry Snowcone and Golden Holidays, please

  13. I love Golden Holidays, and I missed it the first time around. Please bring it back - at least for the holiday season. I will stock up!

  14. Would LOVE Blueberry Snowcone and Rainforest but it doesn't look like they will make it :-( Can you vote more than once?

  15. Robin's Eggs, Amber Rose, and Taos Thanksgiving! Please, please, please!!!

  16. So did you all vote?? Some of the colors that are mentioned are on the list, so VOTE and I agree with all of you it is sooooooo hard to choose just 2...Jeanne
